Ramen Eggs

- 2 mins read

This is a recipe for cooking and preparing 6 ajitsuke tamago.


  • 6 large eggs.
  • 45ml of Soy Sauce.
  • 45ml of Mirin.
  • 0.5g of MSG (optional).


The cooking times in this recipe are for eggs that have been kept in the fridge, and removed just before cooking.

Cooking the Eggs

  • Bring enough water to fully cover your eggs to boil in a saucepan.
  • Gently lower each egg into the boiling water by balancing it on a spoon. If they hit the bottom too hard they may crack.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid, and cook the eggs for 7'45" on a gentle boil.
  • When the time is up, immediately tip out the hot water and run cold water over the eggs and saucepan until cool. Replace the water inside the saucepan as it warms up from the residual heat inside the eggs.
  • Once the eggs have fully cooled, gently crack each egg by tapping it lightly on a cutting board where the air bubble is. Lightly crack each egg all over, placing them back into the cold water to soak as you work on the others.
  • Carefully peel off the eggshells.

This part can be a little frustrating, but with a little practice can be done with relative ease. A tip to make this step easier, is to peel the egg while holding it underwater, for example, inside the saucepan. This also makes clean-up easier, as all the bits of shell are in one place. Another tip is to use a rolling motion on a hard surface, while applying a small amount of pressure, to help crack the shells all over without damaging the insides.

Marinating the Eggs

  • Place the eggs inside a container just large enough that once filled, the marinade will fully cover them.
  • Poor in your Soy Sauce, Mirin, a pinch of MSG, then fill with water until the eggs are covered. These quantities do not have to be exact, and you should modify them over time to your taste.
  • If you need to mix the marinade so that it looks homogenous, a chopstick can easily fit between the eggs.
  • Place the eggs in the fridge to marinate overnight.
